Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's true....

.... there is a For Sale sign in my yard. About 2 weeks ago Cody had a long drive home and said, "Wanna move to Draper?!" I thought he was joking, but... he was serious. He said he had this feeling like it was time for us to move (over the years I've learned that when Cody has an impression about something he's usually right). So we looked at houses online that night, then spent 3-4 hours driving around Traverse Mtn in Lehi the next day, contacted our friend who is a real estate agent, had her show us about 20 properties the next week, and then we listed our house. CRAZY!!! I have very mixed emotions about the whole thing. We just got our house and yard the way we want it, I have my nursery all ready, oh and I could be having a baby anyday (minor detail!).... And the thought of leaving all of our friends and Londyn's cute little friends makes me sooo sad. But on the other hand if we can sell our house we could get into a house that is much bigger and be able to stay there for a looong time. And Cody would only be 5-10 minutes from work and be able to ride his bike there on most days. It's all really weird to think about, but I guess we'll just see how it goes, and cross the big bridges when we get to them.


Amy said...


Let me be the first (of MANY) to say that you will be missed!

That would be really great (from the sounds of it), and I'm sure everything will work out exactly as it should - good luck in the whole process, I hope you find exactly what you want.

Good luck!

Heidi said...

We would love to welcome you to South Salt Lake heaven! We would be glad for you to be closer and then Oliver might have someone to ride his bike with!

jamirodana said...

I saw the sign yesterday for the first time!
Well, we will be sad, however, we may head your way in the next year or so.....hopefully.
We have good friends in traverse mtn. too:)
Jake's mom is in Provo and his job in Midvale so Lehi(same commute, just opposite direction) always made complete sense for us too. We always look at houses but can't move yet!
Good Luck! Keep us posted:)

Paul*Cat*Hallie*Ty said...

You know this makes me oh so sad, we adore your little family. What is Hallie going to do without her Lunny? I was so looking forward to weekly cuddle time with baby J...yes poor me! We will miss you SO much, but are so excited for you guys and this new chapter, new baby, new house, new ward...hey maybe Cody just wants out of the bishopric! Ha :)

You guys are awesome!

Good Luck!!!

AubreyandTerry said...

Hey Linzy! I just so happen to find your blog from a post that Susan Duplantis put on facebook. Yay! Now I can keep up with you and your family. Feel free to visit my blog too.

Michelle said...

Crazy! I am so sad you are moving, but really excited for you guys. I you feel the time is right, then you should probably do it. Just promise you will come visit us often :)

Malerie said...

so after you guys gave us such a hard time about moving, you turn around and do it!
i'm excited for you! i hope you will be able to sell your house, that would be awesome!!!
i TOTALLY understand the mixed feelings part, but you gotta do whats best for the family!

Team Box! said...

Good luck selling hopefully you have better luck than us...over 6 mths and still up!!

Stephenson and Katie said...

I'm sure you will love Lehi though- just come visit lots!
And P.S. if we could sell our house we'd buy yours in a second! I saw the listing and that's an amazing price! I want it!! :)

Kristen said...

Crazy! We're being followed.. well sort of. Good luck with the house sale. If it's what the Lord wants you to do, it will all work out and will probably be better than you think. Oh, when you need moving boxes, hit up Dick's market for apple boxes. We got a ton from there and they were great!