Thanks Catherine for making the cookies for me to decorate! I know they took a while to make, but they were delicious. They only took 6 hours to decorate, too! Now I know why bakeries charge and arm and a leg for one! Our Labor of love for Gretchen and her baby girl!
It was a great shower! You guys did a fantastic job.I loved the cookies.
Wow isn't my daughter talented!!! Trust me she didn't get it from her Mother-I'm so proud of you!!!
mmmm those were SO good! You are way too talented- they were adorable!!!
Thank You so much! They were delicious and adorable and you are so so talented!!
Sorry you have like 300 leftover cookies! Well maybe more like 50, I went a little crazy-- you did an awesome job, they are almost too cute to eat!!!
Those cookies are amazing looking. I'm really impressed. I saw Cat's comment that you have a bunch leftover. If that's still true... I could certainly eat one for you. Ü
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