Monday, January 4, 2010

5 months

Jackson is 5 months today! Last week he decided he wanted to sit-up! I couldn't believe it! Londyn was 6 1/2 mo. when she sat up. He has really good balance.
I would guess he weighs close to 18lbs now. He started to eat rice cereal and oatmeal and really likes them both. I was hoping the cereal would help w/his spitting up, but it didn't. I tried peas last week, but he wasn't too sure about those. He is a very happy kid. He loves to smile and laugh and talk. He is a thrill seeker and loves it when dad throws him around.
He is teething and that's about the only time he cries. Teething tablets and chewing on his fingers seem to help. He found his thumb, but doesn't suck it. He just chews on it! He loves to lay on his back and grab his toes. He takes one 2 hr nap and two 30-45min. naps. He doesn't sleep that great at night. He still gets up at least twice.
He also loves his walker. Londyn was 8 0r 9 months when we got that for her. He can scoot backwards across the entire kitchen floor.

Love that little man!
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Paul*Cat*Hallie*Ty said...

Sweet little Jackson, pretty sure he's the cutest boy EVER! Been thinking about you lately--how are things? Hallie seriously talks about Londyn everyday. She's always saying "mom, what Londyn doin', where Londyn go?" I had to tape your Christmas card on the cupboard by her highchair so she could "eat", with Londyn. Needless to say we miss you around here. Hope you had an awesome holiday! Hope you are good!!!

Carol said...

That boy is growing like a weed! Oh, ya by the way his Mother didn't like peas either!!!! Hope to see you guys soon! Love you all so much!