Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I am...
I am growing like a weed. I have outgrown all of my newborn clothes and even fit into some of my 3-6 months clothes already.
I smile and make funny faces and noises. I take great naps during the day and sleep pretty good at night. I wake up twice at night, but I always go right back to sleep. I have even slpet in my crib in my own room the last 3 nights! I have a lot of nick names: "lil fella," "handsome boy," "Jackson Wackson," "Mr.," "baby boy," ....
We love our baby boy! Oh, and it's my Uncle Sheldon's birthday today too! He is just 1 year away from 30 now! Happy Birthday! Hope to meet you soon!
I smile and make funny faces and noises. I take great naps during the day and sleep pretty good at night. I wake up twice at night, but I always go right back to sleep. I have even slpet in my crib in my own room the last 3 nights! I have a lot of nick names: "lil fella," "handsome boy," "Jackson Wackson," "Mr.," "baby boy," ....
We love our baby boy! Oh, and it's my Uncle Sheldon's birthday today too! He is just 1 year away from 30 now! Happy Birthday! Hope to meet you soon!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jackson's birth story....finally!
Jackson's due date was Sunday August 2nd.
Starting at 37 weeks I was 2 cm and 70% effaced. At that appointment and the next 2 my Dr. stripped my membranes, which did NOTHING! On Monday August 3rd, 1 day over due, I went to appointment and I was sooo ready to be done. I was still 2cm/70% and my Dr. said he was willing to wait until the end of the week to induce me. (ahh!) But I said, "it's my little girl's birthday on Thursday and my husband has to go out of town next Tuesday, is there anyway we can do it sooner?" He said ok, and went and checked the Labor and Delivery schedule. Wednesday was really full so he said, "how about tomorrow?" Of course I agreed! But, my dr. wasn't going to be available to deliver me until after 10pm. I really wanted him to deliver Jackson, and I thought there was no way it would take until 10pm, so I was ok with a different Dr. delivering.
That night Labor and Delivery called me and said I was the 4th induction and that they would call me in the am when they were ready for me to come, and that if they hadn't called by 9:00 to call them. So we got up and were ready to go by 7:00. Cody's mom came to get Londyn at 7:30. And then we waited. 9:00 came and no one had called so I called them. They said it would be another hour. So at 10:15 they called again and said they weren't ready and didn't know when they would be. So at 11:00 my mom and Cody and I left with all our stuff and went to Paradise Bakery. (thank goodness we did, or I would have been starving-and it was delicious!) After lunch they STILL hadn't called! So, I called them! And they said I could come between 1:30 and 2:00. To kill time we went and ordered Londyn a Cinderella cake for her birthday and then we walked around the costco right by the hospital. And at 1:25 we headed over.
By 2:00pm they had me in my room with my IV started. ( I had the best nurse! Her IV skills were awesome!) They started the pitocin at 2 units. (that's the lowest and 20units is the highest) Every 30 min. they upped the pitocin by 2. The contractions started and were about every 4-5 min., but they weren't very strong and didn't hurt at all. By 5:00pm my pit was up to 8 units and my Dr. called and said to break my water. So the resident did that (such a weird feeling!! There was a ton of water!) Then they turned the pit up to 10 and wow, the contractions really got going! At 6:00pm I was 4cm and the contractions were about every 3 minutes and were really starting to hurt. But I kinda liked it! They were finally hurting so that had to mean progress! My nurse came in and asked if I wanted my epidural. At 1st I said no, but she said the anesthesiologist was about to go to a c-section and wouldn't be able to do it for another 45 minutes if I didn't get it then. So I reluctantly said yes. He came in and had me lay curled up on my side (which was kinda weird since I sat up w/ Londyn's). He was an older guy and my nurse said he was one of their best. I was still nervous about getting it! Just the thought of that giant needle going into my spine! He said I should only feel 2 or 3 more contractions. Well.....45 min. later I was still in pain. So he had to take it out and red0 it. (ahhh!) But, it started to work! At 7:00 the nurses had shift change and I went from super awesome nurse to super ditsy nurse. She really didn't know what she was doing. About 8:00pm I started to feel a lot of pain in my lower abdomen, but my legs were still totally numb. I kept pushing the button to deliver more medicine to my epidural, but it wasn't helping and then I noticed my bed was wet under my right arm. Lame-o nurse came in the check and some how the tubing for my epidural had come disconnected. The anesthesiologist came back in and re-connected it and gave me some stronger medicine. But, after that it all went downhill....
From 8:15pm-10:00pm I was in the most horrifying pain. It was aweful. For about an hour I was able to get through the contractions by squeezing Cody's had and breathing. They turned my pitocin off to try and give me a break. But by 9:00 the contractions were even stronger and coming on their own every minute and a half and lasting a minute. I thought I was going to die! It was only hurting in my lower abdomen near my previous incision, but it was some seriously bad pain. It felt like my incision was bout to rip open! At 9:15 the nurse gave me s shot of medicine to stop the contractions, but... it didn't work! They kept coming. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I was crying and begging Cody to help me and make it stop. I can't even describe how bad the pain was. and the fact that I only had 30 -45 seconds between the contractions made it worse. The resident's didn't know what to do, and my nurse definitely didn't know what to do! So at 10:00pm they said since they couldn't get my epidural to work they didn't think they were going to be able to get my pain under control and thought it would be best to do a c-section. I really really didn't want another c-section, but at that point I wanted nothing more than a c-section and to have that awful night be over with! 10:15pm they rolled me back to the OR. And my Dr had just gotten there, and as I rolled by him I said, Please help me Dr. Esplin, I hurt so bad! He assured me it would be over soon.
So then the same anesthesiologist had me lay down to give me a spinal block. Yeah....it didn't work either. So he had me sit up and straddle the skinny OR table while my legs were still completely numb and gave me another one! It didn't work either! Ahhh! He poked my stomach with a needle and I could still feel it. So they did a 3rd one. By that point I thought I was going to die. Finally they just put me out with general and had to intubate me. Once again, I missed the birth of my child! He was born at 11:26pm ( i have no idea what went on between 10:45 and 11:26 ???). And around 2:00am I finally woke up and met my baby! It was such a weird feeling. But he was healthy and we were both safe and I was so grateful for that. later that morning the anesthesiologist came to see me and told me he had never seen anything like that. Who knows, maybe somethings wrong with my wiring! I had to be knocked out for Londyn's c-section too because I felt it when they started cutting. Weird! So needless to say, I'm a little nervous about the delivery of my next baby. Shoot, maybe they'll just plan on knocking me out! Sad! Anyway, sorry it's so long, but I wanted to write down the story before I forgot.
Starting at 37 weeks I was 2 cm and 70% effaced. At that appointment and the next 2 my Dr. stripped my membranes, which did NOTHING! On Monday August 3rd, 1 day over due, I went to appointment and I was sooo ready to be done. I was still 2cm/70% and my Dr. said he was willing to wait until the end of the week to induce me. (ahh!) But I said, "it's my little girl's birthday on Thursday and my husband has to go out of town next Tuesday, is there anyway we can do it sooner?" He said ok, and went and checked the Labor and Delivery schedule. Wednesday was really full so he said, "how about tomorrow?" Of course I agreed! But, my dr. wasn't going to be available to deliver me until after 10pm. I really wanted him to deliver Jackson, and I thought there was no way it would take until 10pm, so I was ok with a different Dr. delivering.
That night Labor and Delivery called me and said I was the 4th induction and that they would call me in the am when they were ready for me to come, and that if they hadn't called by 9:00 to call them. So we got up and were ready to go by 7:00. Cody's mom came to get Londyn at 7:30. And then we waited. 9:00 came and no one had called so I called them. They said it would be another hour. So at 10:15 they called again and said they weren't ready and didn't know when they would be. So at 11:00 my mom and Cody and I left with all our stuff and went to Paradise Bakery. (thank goodness we did, or I would have been starving-and it was delicious!) After lunch they STILL hadn't called! So, I called them! And they said I could come between 1:30 and 2:00. To kill time we went and ordered Londyn a Cinderella cake for her birthday and then we walked around the costco right by the hospital. And at 1:25 we headed over.
By 2:00pm they had me in my room with my IV started. ( I had the best nurse! Her IV skills were awesome!) They started the pitocin at 2 units. (that's the lowest and 20units is the highest) Every 30 min. they upped the pitocin by 2. The contractions started and were about every 4-5 min., but they weren't very strong and didn't hurt at all. By 5:00pm my pit was up to 8 units and my Dr. called and said to break my water. So the resident did that (such a weird feeling!! There was a ton of water!) Then they turned the pit up to 10 and wow, the contractions really got going! At 6:00pm I was 4cm and the contractions were about every 3 minutes and were really starting to hurt. But I kinda liked it! They were finally hurting so that had to mean progress! My nurse came in and asked if I wanted my epidural. At 1st I said no, but she said the anesthesiologist was about to go to a c-section and wouldn't be able to do it for another 45 minutes if I didn't get it then. So I reluctantly said yes. He came in and had me lay curled up on my side (which was kinda weird since I sat up w/ Londyn's). He was an older guy and my nurse said he was one of their best. I was still nervous about getting it! Just the thought of that giant needle going into my spine! He said I should only feel 2 or 3 more contractions. Well.....45 min. later I was still in pain. So he had to take it out and red0 it. (ahhh!) But, it started to work! At 7:00 the nurses had shift change and I went from super awesome nurse to super ditsy nurse. She really didn't know what she was doing. About 8:00pm I started to feel a lot of pain in my lower abdomen, but my legs were still totally numb. I kept pushing the button to deliver more medicine to my epidural, but it wasn't helping and then I noticed my bed was wet under my right arm. Lame-o nurse came in the check and some how the tubing for my epidural had come disconnected. The anesthesiologist came back in and re-connected it and gave me some stronger medicine. But, after that it all went downhill....
From 8:15pm-10:00pm I was in the most horrifying pain. It was aweful. For about an hour I was able to get through the contractions by squeezing Cody's had and breathing. They turned my pitocin off to try and give me a break. But by 9:00 the contractions were even stronger and coming on their own every minute and a half and lasting a minute. I thought I was going to die! It was only hurting in my lower abdomen near my previous incision, but it was some seriously bad pain. It felt like my incision was bout to rip open! At 9:15 the nurse gave me s shot of medicine to stop the contractions, but... it didn't work! They kept coming. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I was crying and begging Cody to help me and make it stop. I can't even describe how bad the pain was. and the fact that I only had 30 -45 seconds between the contractions made it worse. The resident's didn't know what to do, and my nurse definitely didn't know what to do! So at 10:00pm they said since they couldn't get my epidural to work they didn't think they were going to be able to get my pain under control and thought it would be best to do a c-section. I really really didn't want another c-section, but at that point I wanted nothing more than a c-section and to have that awful night be over with! 10:15pm they rolled me back to the OR. And my Dr had just gotten there, and as I rolled by him I said, Please help me Dr. Esplin, I hurt so bad! He assured me it would be over soon.
So then the same anesthesiologist had me lay down to give me a spinal block. Yeah....it didn't work either. So he had me sit up and straddle the skinny OR table while my legs were still completely numb and gave me another one! It didn't work either! Ahhh! He poked my stomach with a needle and I could still feel it. So they did a 3rd one. By that point I thought I was going to die. Finally they just put me out with general and had to intubate me. Once again, I missed the birth of my child! He was born at 11:26pm ( i have no idea what went on between 10:45 and 11:26 ???). And around 2:00am I finally woke up and met my baby! It was such a weird feeling. But he was healthy and we were both safe and I was so grateful for that. later that morning the anesthesiologist came to see me and told me he had never seen anything like that. Who knows, maybe somethings wrong with my wiring! I had to be knocked out for Londyn's c-section too because I felt it when they started cutting. Weird! So needless to say, I'm a little nervous about the delivery of my next baby. Shoot, maybe they'll just plan on knocking me out! Sad! Anyway, sorry it's so long, but I wanted to write down the story before I forgot.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
1st day of preschool
Yesterday was Londyn's 1st day of preschool. This is her being silly right before we walked over. I can't believe how big she looks!
She was in charge of snacks. Since we didn't get to really celebrate her birthday, she brought cupcakes (forgot to take a picture of them). And she wanted to bring cantelope too. And of course she had to taste it to make sure it tasted good!
Too bad she only gets to go to preschool for the month of September since we are moving (sad!). Oh well, it's better than not going at all. So far she loves it and I'm sure she will miss it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
4weeks okd

Jackson is 4 weeks old today! That went by fast! He is such a good boy though. Here are some things about our little guy:
-GOOD SLEEPER. He gets up about twice during the night and goes right back to sleep after her eats. Once or twice he has stayed awake for about 30 minutes after his feeding, but he's so darn cute that I don't mind! He naps really well during the day. He will sleep in his crib a couple times a day for about 2 hours each time (Londyn NEVER did that at his age!! Not the crib or the 2 hr nap!).
-GOOD EATER. He eats about every 3 hrs during the day and is pretty fast. I swear it took Londyn almost an hour every time I fed her!
-VERY ALERT. When he is awake he loves to be talked to. He loves to be interacted with. And he is already smiling and making noises.
-LIKES THE CAR. So far he has done great in the car. He doesn't cry and usually goes right to sleep. Londyn on the other hand, hated the car and her carseat. I dreaded having to take her anywhere!
-GROWING LIKE A WEED! He can't fit into anything size newborn anymore and some of the 0-3 month stuff is getting tight! He's not real chubby yet, he's just really long!
-THINKS HIS SISTER IS CRAZY! Actually he loves her and loves when she talks or sings to him.
I can't believe he has been here for 4 weeks already. He has been such a joy to have.
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