Jackson is 4 weeks old today! That went by fast! He is such a good boy though. Here are some things about our little guy:
-GOOD SLEEPER. He gets up about twice during the night and goes right back to sleep after her eats. Once or twice he has stayed awake for about 30 minutes after his feeding, but he's so darn cute that I don't mind! He naps really well during the day. He will sleep in his crib a couple times a day for about 2 hours each time (Londyn NEVER did that at his age!! Not the crib or the 2 hr nap!).
-GOOD EATER. He eats about every 3 hrs during the day and is pretty fast. I swear it took Londyn almost an hour every time I fed her!
-VERY ALERT. When he is awake he loves to be talked to. He loves to be interacted with. And he is already smiling and making noises.
-LIKES THE CAR. So far he has done great in the car. He doesn't cry and usually goes right to sleep. Londyn on the other hand, hated the car and her carseat. I dreaded having to take her anywhere!
-GROWING LIKE A WEED! He can't fit into anything size newborn anymore and some of the 0-3 month stuff is getting tight! He's not real chubby yet, he's just really long!
-THINKS HIS SISTER IS CRAZY! Actually he loves her and loves when she talks or sings to him.
I can't believe he has been here for 4 weeks already. He has been such a joy to have.
He is getting so big. I can't believe it has been four weeks already. That is AWESOME that he is smiling already. I think Jayden was 7 weeks before he even started. What a smart guy! Im so sad you guys will be moving and we won't be able to watch him grow up :( Keep updating the blog!!
He is so cute!!! And I'm glad he's such a good baby for you! I cannot believe it's been 4 weeks- time really does fly by!
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