So I'm sitting at work on Wednesday and notice that the last molar on the upper right side of my mouth is really sore, mostly when I'm snacking on something. I don't really think anything of it, just start chewing on the left side and away we go. That night I can hardly sleep. I've got a low fever, I'm sweatier than a hariy guido on the beach, and my tooth is killing me. I get up, get some oragel on it, down a couple Advil (It's my every pain reliever!) and head back to bed. I sleep through most of Wednesday night. Thursday, my tooth is killing me. I maintain my Advil and Oragel vigil. Thursday night is miserable. I can barely sleep, I get up, try rinsing it with Listerine, continue what is now an Advil and Oragel habit, and try to go back to sleep. This routine plays itself out four times on Thursday. Friday, I'm having trouble staying upright in my chair. The pain is making me dizzy, nauseous, it's awesome.
I'm at my wit's end. All I've changed in my diet in the last few weeks is the Advair. I start looking online, turns out Advair can eat the enamel in your teeth if you don't rinse after inhaling. I'm angry. I call my allergist. His rocket scientist of a nurse tells me there is no way the Advair has caused the pain in my tooth. I'm livid. I'm right and everyone else is just stupid at this point. I call my dentist. She orders me an antibiotic and some pain meds. I sit at the pharmacy, the world literally spinning around me. I'm just imagining the scene where I pass out in front of the pharmacy like some junky, the plastic chair I'm sitting on goes sliding out from under me and knocks over some old lady with two bad hips and a tennis ball covered walker. I focus my attention on getting back to my office. I ask my boss if I can go home. I drive through the fog of the pain meds and make it home alive. I try going upstairs and going to bed, knowing I have an hour before the conference call with our ad agency to talk about meeting strategies for an upcoming tradeshow (sounds riveting, right?). I toss and turn for thirty minutes. I can't take it anymore. In tears, I call my dentist who recommends me to an endodontist. She thinks I have a nerve problem and need a root canal. Sweet! I think to myself. I get to pay 1200 bucks to have someone jam some little needles into my tooth. I can't wait.
Poor Linzy is watching my pathetic attempt to pretend like it doesn't hurt. If this is anywhere as painful as childbirth, I am so sorry. ;-) The endodontist agrees to see me after hours. We head over. The Dr. introduces himself as Blake Nielsen. He is the nicest guy in the world (my judgment may have been skewed by the pain, but this guy was awesome). He puts the novacaine in my mouth, and all of a sudden, the pain is gone. Dr. Nielsen is no longer the nicest guy in the world, he's been elevated to guardian angel/fairy god mother status. He lets the novocaine marinate for a few, then comes back and shows me the x-rays. I have a huge! infected abscess behind my tooth.

I mention the Advair. He tells me it is an immunosuppresant (it shuts down the immunse system to help reduce the inflammation in the lungs and throat). The problem is it can also suppress immune response elsewhere in the body. He figures the abscess was fairly old, and that my body was keeping the infection under control. I take the Advair, immunse system is out for the count, and the infection in my tooth goes gangbusters. He has me hop in the chair and does the root canal in 20 minutes! This guy was amazing! If any of you need root canals, go see Blake Nielsen at Endodontic Associates. My mouth is still a little sore today, but after this guy got done it was almost instant relief. Now I have to catch up on all the work I missed while being uselessly in pain all day, before heading off to scout camp all next week. I'll post pictures of the trip when I get back.
Moral of the Story: Don't breath the air in Salt Lake, always rinse after using your inhaler, brush your teeth, floss, and take a multi-vitamin!
1 comment:
That's the best post I've read in awhile! Thanks for the refreshing honesty. When are we doing dinner?
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