On Friday night we went to Park City to stay with Cody's Parents for the weekend. Saturday morning, me, Cody, his brother and his fiance, and his dad skiied together and had a blast. Then Cody's mom brought Londyn at noon and we all had lunch and then took a couple runs with Londyn. She thinks skiing with Cody is the greatest thing ever. Everytime he would stop she would say "more, more." By 2:00 we were all exhausted so we sat in the hot tub for a while and headed home for naps! Then the boys went to the priesthood sesssion and the girls went to dinner.

Londyn's day of excitment and late nap totally threw her schedule off and she was up almost the whole night! Uh! Thank goodness Sunday was conference so we could lounge around all day. I loved all of the talks on Sunday and think President Monson is going to be a wonderful prophet!
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