Thursday, February 18, 2010

6 months

On Feb. 4th Jackson turned 6 months! (That went fast!) We were in MN when he turned half a year and then he has been sick, so I am just getting around to doing this post.
At his 6 month check-up he was 6 months and 1 week.
he weighed 19 lbs 4 oz 85th %le
Ht. was 27.6 inches 85th %le
and head was 17.5 inches- 70th%le
He got 4 shots, which he was not happy about. He cried pretty good when he got them, then he stopped and would just start crying again off and on until we got to the car. Poor baby. Luckily he had a nice long nap when we got home. This is him after his nap checking out his bandaid on his leg.
At 6 months he is a pro at sitting up. He loves to sit on the floor and play with toys. He also loves to motor around the kitchen in his walker and jump around like crazy in his jumper. He loves food. He eats all of the vegetables, but squash w/ corn is his favorite. He's not so sure about fruits yet, but he'll eat pieces of a real banana. His Dr. said there are new food guidlines and that the only thing he can't have until he's 1 is honey. So he's tasted yogurt, bread, potato soup, etc... and loves them all.
He's a relly good sleeper during the day. He usually takes 2 good naps, or 3 short naps. He goes down really easy and loves his crib. At night it's a different story! He goes down well, but then he usually wakes up about 45 min. later and needs to ne reswaddled or burped. Then he's up every 2-4 hrs. Uh! I think we'll start letting him cry it out when he's totally over his sickness.
He loves his big sister and thinks she's pretty funny (most of the time!). He loves to grab her and they even roll around together on the bed. He also likes to pull her hair. She doesn't like that too much! On Feb 13th he cut his 1st tooth. He was the exact same age Londyn was when she got her 1st tooth, to the day! He also said his 1st word the other night, "mama"! He was sick and up in the middle of the night. Cody was holding him and trying to get him to stop crying and while he was crying he said "mama"!
I can't believe the first 6 months have come and gone. But I am excited to watch him learn and grow over the next 6 months!
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Jill said...

He is so cute, and that is so awesome that he loves veggies! I hope he starts sleeping better at night for you. Looks like things are going well for you, hope to see you guys soon!

Carol said...

Aaah, what a little man! Can't wait to see him either!

Brittany said...

Wow that kid is a fast developer! He already said his 1st word too!? So, he is doing the same exact thing both Cade and Connor has gone through, waking up every 2-4 hrs. It seems like I always had to wait for them to get over a sickness and then have them cry it out too. So, their dr said they at this age they should not be waking up at all during the night, maybe once. So, as long as they're safe and healthy then they should be fine just crying it out. After checking on them the 1st time I usually turned on the fan in our bedroom so I couldn't hear them anymore, so I would just stop stressing out about it, and eventually they just went back to sleep. (I turned it back off a few hrs later) It only took a day or 2 til they were sleeping though the night, or at least most the night. I'm still going though this w/ Connor some nights. So, anyways, that's what I did. Good luck, I know how hard it is not getting enough sleep.

The Caple Crew said...

6 months is my favorite! It marks when the fun REALLY begins! Now he gets to start doing a whole bunch of fun new things!