Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My new trick

So Londyn has pretty much given up her nap these days. But since day light savings she has been getting up SUPER early, so she still really needs a nap on most days. The last 2 days I have gotten her to fall asleep lke this! She got this Halloween Book on CD in a kids meal from Wendy's and we just found it. She loves it. So after lunch I get her a pillow and a blanket and she lays down next to the CD player to listen to it, and within 10 minutes she's out! And it's perfect because she only sleeps for about an hour and a half, so she still goes to bed early and I get a little break!

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Tiffany said...

Awesome idea... Wait till she finds out what you're doing! :) She's SO cute. We miss you guys!

Carol said...

Love that girly! She won't be napping when she comes to visit, unless she falls asleep to my CDs in the car!!!!! Hurry, I can't wait!!!