Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 months...time flies

Things have been a little crazy around here, but in the middle of it all Jackson turned 2 months! (top Londyn at 2 months...bottom Jackson)

He weighed in at a whoppin 13lb 12 oz. You go boy! He is in the 95th %ile for height and wt and the 50th%ile for head. I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He has great head control, loves to stand in my lap, just discovered his fist and loves to chew on it, loves to coo and is always happy when he is awake, and has just taken an interest in toys! He's such a fun baby. Love him (and my Londyn girl) to pieces!
ps-sorry I have been so out of the loop. We just got our internet hooked up yesterday at the new house!
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1 comment:

Welcome! said...

The kids look great! Glad to hear they are adjusting well. We sure do miss you and hope all is well.