Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lovin Baby Brother

So Londyn loves her new baby brother. If he's not in the room with us she says, "where's Jackson?" She loves to hold him and when she wakes up in the morning she asks me to lay him next to her while she drinks her milk. He's a pretty chill baby and doesn't seem to mind too much when she holds him....or pokes him....or screams... I feel pretty lucky to have 2 beautiful children!
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Sue said...

I love the picture of them in bed! You can tell that Jackson is going to look up to his big sister. :)

Amy said...

Those are some adorable pictures. I can't believe how tiny he is! :) Glad the two of them are getting along so well.

jakenapril said...

oh, they are just too cute all snuggled up in bed together! i'll be being the big sister is the best!