We are slowly but surely working on the backyard. We've started the rock wall. We get rocks from Cody's parent's property every time we go up there. We need about 10 more loads!!!! The grass is doing great, except for the dead spots in the corners that I over fertilized and burned. We've planted some flowers that are doing well and we but down some rubber mulch at the bottom of the slide. Our little veggie garden is struggling, but there are 4 green tomatoes and some sugar snap peas growing! We are loving the backyard though. We eat dinner on the porch almost every night and let Londyn run around like crazy! We have popcicles and ice cream cones. Its great. Maybe one day we'll have a table and more chairs and we can actually have people over!
Your backyard looks awesome! My kids are so jealous of that slide. They want to go see it everyday. Your blog is very cute and little Londyn is my favorite new buddy. Bring her over to play someday! And yes I totally blog stalked you from Sabrina's blog. Sorry:)
Looking good. If you feel bad about your veggie garden you can come look at my tomatoes. You may feel a sense of accomplishment. You guys have the best slide in the neighborhood! :)
That mulch looks great! I'll have to come and feel it sometime soon Ü
Your yard looks so awesome. You guys did a great job. I love your blog I just recently saw that you guys were on here so you should now check out mine.
I am so jealous that you have a backyard with flowers and a garden! How are you guys? Can you believe that you almost have a two year old? Oh- guess who lives not even a mile away from me now? Hailey Richards from school....they are here for the summer doing an internship! So fun!
Keep in touch! Miss you!
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