Sunday, March 23, 2008

Before and After

This is what this side of the yard looked like when we started.

This is what is looked like a few hours later. (The pictures don't really do it justice).
We are basically going to have 2 different levels in the yard. An upper level for the patio and a small grassy area, and a lower level for the big yard and a garden. It's going to be a big project. We'll post pictures as we go!
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Melissa and Nate said...

Wow! Can't wait to see what the yard looks like when you're done! We're working on our backyard this spring much work!

jamirodana said...

Wow, that is going to be a lot of work. It will so be worth it though. You had better have a big BBQ and invite us when you are done. If you need help, let me know too.