Thursday, January 5, 2012


On Dec 16th, my mom, Londyn and I got to go to St. George to be there for the birth of my brother and sister-in-law's sweet baby girl! Such a neat experience. Thanks for letting us be there Caleb and Nikki!

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Cody's gift to Londyn this year was tickets to see Ballet West's The Nutcracker the day after Christmas. He even made the thing above to hold the tickets. So cute! It was so fun to see it too! I had only seen the Nutcracker once when I was in middle school and it was one of very times I got to sit in the audience to watch an entire Ballet. Loved it. And of course the only pictures of us there got deleted accidently. Oh well!
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This year was my year to work Christmas. I had to work the 1pm-7pm shift (not too bad), so we went to Cody's parent's house in Park City to spend the whole weekend with them. It was a nice break. Got to go on a little date to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie, did some kid-free skiing, did some skiing with both kids, and ate A LOT of good food!

This year Santa made special tage for Londyn and Jackson (well I thought them up, Cody created them, and I painted the letters with glue and added glue. Another one of my labors of love!).

It was fun because the kids had to find their letter tag to figure out which presents were theirs.

Jackson got loaded up on lots of boy thing! Blocks, tools, more tools, a mini trampoline, books and some DVDs. (Oh and skates. he told everyone he was getting skates for Christmas. No idea where he came up with it, but he got 'em- thanks Gramy!)

And Londyn got lots of fun girlie things! Tutus, dolls, barbie movies, books, markers, crayons, cup cake Lego set.....

Another great Christmas!
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