This year for Labor Day we went to St. George, again! We kinda like it there! My parents flew in from Louisiana and we stayed at the same hotel so the kids really liked that! On Friday we drove up to Cedar Breaks. It was beautiful! But FREEZING!!! We were not prepared for the chill on top of the mountain. Thank goodness the kids had their blankets!

Then it was back to St. Geore for some Cafe Rio and some Nielsen's frozen custard!
Then it was back to St. Geore for some Cafe Rio and some Nielsen's frozen custard!
Then on Saturday we went to Caleb's football game. Londyn loved the Red Bull, Jackson on the other had was SCARED TO DEATH!!!
We finished off the weekend by celebrating Caleb's 25th birthday. Happy Birthday!!! You're going to be a daddy in 3 months!!!