Monday, December 20, 2010

Last week

Londyn has really been into kissing Jackson lately. Like ALL the time! Poor kid was just trying to eat his applesauce and she wanted to keep smooching him! Most of the time he doesn't mind though.
Last Thursday Londyn had Pajama day at school. They turned their classroom into a "train" and pretended to take a ride on the Polar Express, complete with tickets, jingle bells, hot chocolate and cookies!
Then on Friday she had her Christmas program. Each grade sang 2 songs for all of the parents. It took until half way through the 2nd song for the preschoolers to warm up, but they were so cute!
After her program Jackson and I headed to the grocery store and he HAD to have a car shopping cart! And he had to steer both wheels! I am just glad it kept him entertained while I shopped.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

The brownie

(This was at our Christmas party at church last Saturday)

What can I say, my boy likes chocolate like his mommy!
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Last Sunday our neighbors put on a Nativity play at their house with some of the neighborhood kids.
Londyn was an Angel. We threw this costume together in about 15 minutes!
Jackson a sheep. Baaaa! I was going to draw on a brown nose but I had to wake the poor kid up from his nap to go so I thought I would spare him!
It turned out really cute! I wish I would have thought to bring our video camera.
Poor Connor was a very unhappy shepard! He wanted his Momma!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

1st Play day in the snow

The weekend after Thanksgiving we got dumped on with snow! The kids were very excited to get bundled up and go out to play.
Jackson loved eating the snow. However he did not like that once he was down he could not get back up again!

There was so much snow! Londyn loved crawling around in it! She tried to make a snow angel but the snow was too soft and powdery that it didn't really work.

Of course Cody was out of town so I had to attempt to shovel the driveway so I could get Londyn to school the next day. It was not easy. Or fun. It took me 2 days just to get my side of the driveway clean enough to drive on it. I'm glad it's warmed up and all melted now though!
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